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Jesus and the Samaritan Woman



Name a person or group of people you enjoy spending time with. Why do you enjoy it?


Was there a time someone surprised you with a kind act? Tell us about it.


What is a movie, book, product, or event you were so excited about that you told all your family and friends about it? How did you tell them?



39 Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony, “He told me all the things that I ever did.”

41 And many more believed because of his word. JOH 4:39, 41

Samaritans, who were of mixed Jewish and non-Jewish ethnicity, were not accepted by the Jewish community.

JOH 4:39
JOH 4:41

In the same way, women were not considered important members of society. It was hard to be either a Samaritan or a woman. It was harder to be both. However, we will see how an encounter with Jesus transformed the life of a Samaritan woman from a story of rejection into a story of acceptance and bold testimony.


1 Jesus accepted the Samaritan woman despite her expectations.​

The Samaritan woman said to him, “How is it that you, being a Jew, ask me for a drink from me since I am a Samaritan woman?” (For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans.) JOH 4:9


The Samaritan woman wondered why Jesus would ask for a drink from her. As a Jew, he should have rejected sharing a drink with Samaritans for religious reasons. As a man, he should not have started a conversation with her. The woman’s words showed that she expected this rejection from Him, but he had approached her anyway. Jesus approaches us even when we are not seeking him or when we expect rejection because of who we are. How does this unconditional acceptance affect how we respond to Jesus?

JOH 4:9
NEH 3:33

33 Now when Sanballat heard that we were rebuilding the wall, he became angry and greatly incensed, and he ridiculed the Jews,

34 and he said in the presence of his associates and the wealthy men of Samaria [oppressors of Judah], “What are these feeble Jews doing? Are they [the idolators] going to restore it for themselves [to continue to build]? Will they [eternally] offer [their sacrifices]? Will they finish [their work] in [one] day [so that the idolators not halt it]? Can they revive the stones [they are building with] from the heaps of rubble [where they found them fallen], for they are [completely] burnt?” NEH 3:33-34


Rashi’s Commentary


In the presence of his associates and the wealthy men of Samaria—In the presence of his associates and the wealthy men of Samaria, who were the adversaries of Judah.


What are these Jews—Why are these Jews doing this?

NEH 3:34

These feeble—Heb. הָאֲמֵלָלִים, a term denoting weakness and feebleness.


Are they going to restore it for themselves—Do they think that the heathens will allow them to build?


Will they offer—Will they constantly slaughter their sacrifices for themselves as they think?


Will they finish in one day—Will they complete the work that they started in one day? That is to say that the heathens will not permit them to complete their building.


Can they revive—Can they revive and repair and restore stones to their previous state to be harder and stronger than the rubble?


From the heaps—Heb. מֵעֲרֵמוֹת, a term denoting heaps and mounds.


For they are burnt—The stones were burnt and have become rubble. So did they jeer and ridicule the building of the wall, which they were building from the burnt stones that had fallen to the earth from the fire when Jerusalem was burned.


2 Jesus accepted the Samaritan woman despite her past.

JOH 4:18

18 “. . . for you have had five husbands, and the man you now have is not your husband. What you have said is true.”

JOH 4:25

25 The woman said to him, “I know that Messiah is coming” (he who is called Christ). “When he comes, he will declare all things to us.”

26 Jesus said to her, “I who speak to you am he.” JOH 4:18, 25-26


After asking her for a drink, Jesus showed that he knew the Samaritan woman had gone through multiple marriages, which made her even more of a social outcast. But when he revealed himself to her as the Messiah whom both Jews and Samaritans hoped for, he was showing her that the Messiah accepted and welcomed her despite her past. Is there something in your past you had a challenge surrendering to God? How did you find freedom from this? Tell us about it.

JOH 4:26
JER 3:20

Surely, as a woman betrays her husband,

so have you betrayed me, O house of Israel,”

declares the Lord. JER 3:20


Rashi’s Commentary

Surely—But you did not live up to my expectations lit.,

do my thought, but like a woman who betrays her husband because he cannot provide her sustenance, so did you betray me, who provides you with all good. So is the Midrash Aggadah (Tanhuma Mishpatim 17).


3 Like the Samaritan woman, we can share the good news despite our pasts.

JOH 4:42

Then they said to the woman, “Now we believe, not because of what you said, for we have heard him ourselves, and we know that this man is indeed the Savior of the world.” JOH 4:42

LUK 12:12

. . . for the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say. LUK 12:12


The Samaritan woman had a powerful encounter with Jesus when he revealed himself to her as the Messiah (Joh 4:26). It was only after she realized who he was that she spoke with conviction to the townspeople about what he had told her. These people then went on to have their own encounters with Christ, starting with her testimony. Like the Samaritan woman, our testimony should be about how Christ knows every single thing about us and our pasts, but accepts us anyway, so much that he came to save us. According to Luk 12:12, why can we confidently speak about what God has done for us despite our pasts?

ISA 45:22
house bill 6312

Turn to me and be saved,

all you ends of the earth;

for I am God, and there is no other. ISA 45:22


Rashi’s Commentary


Turn to me—And abandon your graven images, all you ends of the earth, and, thereby, you shall be saved.



Do you believe that Jesus Christ has accepted you despite your past? Do you want to receive his love for you today?


What area do you feel God is asking you to surrender to him so he can show you his love and acceptance? How can you work on it this week?

Share how an encounter with Jesus changed your life. How can you share this with a family member or friend

Biblical Foundations Seminar on Tuesday, August 21 at 9 AM - 4 PM

Summit One Tower 1550 Mandaluyong You can download and read the bill here.

this week?



Thank God for accepting you despite your past. Thank Christ for accepting you into his family. Ask him to help you show that kind of love and acceptance to others as well.


Ask God to help you surrender something he wants you to trust him with.


Pray for the Holy Spirit to lead you to someone to whom you can share your encounter with Christ this week.

This work, "RE:NEW: Jesus and the Samaritan Woman" is a derivative of "RE:NEW: Victory Series" © 2018 by VICTORY® All rights reserved

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